Deerpaw - Green non-binary tom with dark stripes that go along his back. (Pluto)
Deathpaw - A fluffy cream and red non-binary cat with heterochromatic eyes.
Smokepaw - A grey cat with a flame coloured tail. (Keegan)
Fallpaw - A steel-blue tom with three legs. (mae)
Soulpaw - A grass coloured small cat with a dark green mask. (KQT)
Hoodedpaw - A forest-green-point tom with a tipped tail. (theeegreat)
Lightkit - A pale orange and brown she-cat with dark blue eyes and a red tip on her tail. (Rainy)
Rustkit - A copper and silver tom with dark blue eyes.
Airkit - A light aqua tom with black patches and bicolour pink and aqua stripes. (ren)
Moonkit - A lavender cat with a dark stripe going down their body. (horrorcorner)
Sheepkit - A dark blue cat with light fluffy fur on neck and tail. (redtailsdebit)
Songkit - A pastel blue coloured cat with dark purple stripes. (hal)