Exiled Cats

The Exiled Group | Starclan | Clan Cats


Desertwhistle - An old bald brown tom with a pink down-wards tuft.(arachri)

Celestialdance - Blue fluffy she-cat with a striped tail.(Doe)

Moldtide - Old mossy cat with green eyes.


Darkfire - Yellow cat with orange and red stripes. (actuallybingbing)

Wavesky - A sea coloured she-cat with dusty rose eyes. (Aqua)

Goldentree - Dark blue tom with lightning like markings (Sirrah-025)

Starheart - A dark magenta coloured fluffy cat with a large fluffy tail. (fire)

Winterglow - A white and pink fluffy tabby tom. (Everest)

Gustwish - A short mint bigender cat with dark eye spots. (RAJ)
Apprentice: Deerpaw

Fuzzyfur - Red fluffy cat with a lopsided ear and a tooth sticking out. (TaKa)
Apprentice: Smokepaw

Dreamwind - A lavender and pink cat with a bushy tail.
Apprentice: Fallpaw

Foxsnow - A orange tom with fox like markings.(Slepnir)

Taintedsun - A red she-cat with orange markings that look like a flame.(Glacie)
Apprentice: Hoodedpaw

Nighttear - A dark blue cat with light blue tabby stripes. (kittygirl2210)

Sorrowflake - A aqua she-cat with dark blue markings.
Apprentice: Soulpaw

Nymphdream - Yellow and pink spotted cat. (rudolf)
Apprentice: Deathpaw

Translucenttime - A baby blue tom with orange and red markings that make them appear to be ghost like. (CinderSkulldog)

Quietsteam - A black and brown cat with yellow stripes. (aerojet)


Deerpaw - Green non-binary tom with dark stripes that go along his back. (Pluto)

Deathpaw - A fluffy cream and red non-binary cat with heterochromatic eyes.

Smokepaw - A grey cat with a flame coloured tail. (Keegan)

Fallpaw - A steel-blue tom with three legs. (mae)

Soulpaw - A grass coloured small cat with a dark green mask. (KQT)

Hoodedpaw - A forest-green-point tom with a tipped tail. (theeegreat)


Lightkit - A pale orange and brown she-cat with dark blue eyes and a red tip on her tail. (Rainy)

Rustkit - A copper and silver tom with dark blue eyes.

Airkit - A light aqua tom with black patches and bicolour pink and aqua stripes. (ren)

Moonkit - A lavender cat with a dark stripe going down their body. (horrorcorner)

Sheepkit - A dark blue cat with light fluffy fur on neck and tail. (redtailsdebit)

Songkit - A pastel blue coloured cat with dark purple stripes. (hal)